Introducing my 5 Dares for ’25, a series of dares I’ve designed to help you grow professionally and personally in 2025.
I’m a firm believer that you don’t actually find your voice until you start using it.
So whether it’s at work, here on LinkedIn, to family/friends, and/or standing up for what you believe in, speak up. Even if you’re nervous to be perceived, do it anyway.
It’s not about getting attention, it’s about claiming your space, speaking your truth, and unapologetically radiating out to the world the vulnerability others may need to see.
So in 2025, I triple-dog-dare you to give yourself permission to speak louder, braver, and more authentically than before. Personally, I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say. ⚡
Dare 2: MEET YOURSELF in 2025.
If someone were to ask you who you are, would you really know how to answer? In other words, do you know who you are beyond surface-level adjectives or what you do for a living?
Meeting yourself is about understanding what drives you, what scares you, and what makes you whole. It’s about getting real with yourself, paying attention to what lights you up, what shuts you down, and tending to the parts of you that still need care. It’s seeing your whole story, with all its bravery, mistakes, and growth, and understanding it without judgment or shame. It’s taking off the mask and humbly allowing yourself to just be.
In 2025, my second dare to you is to take the time to truly meet yourself, not as you think you should be and not by personality traits or job titles. Deeper. Because, trust me, the real you is begging to be seen, and the world needs more of you in it. ✨
You know those critical thoughts you think about yourself? The ones that make you question everything you do, magnify your mistakes, and pretty much steal your confidence? The critical judgement in your head constantly telling you “You’re not good enough”? That’s your inner critic.
You weren’t born with that inner critic. Babies and young children don’t do this. It’s not until life starts beating us down, one way or another, that these self judgements start. In other words, something or someone conditioned you to criticize yourself. And it’s harming you more than you realize.
But here’s the good news, once you identify it, you can stop it.
Every time you hear that inner critic coming for you (and I mean every single time), start manually calling it out. Identify it, even imagine you physically removing it from your space if you have to. It may seem silly, but I promise you, over time, your brain starts identifying those critical thoughts quicker and eventually, you learn to no longer tolerate them.
In 2025, I dare you to do this for yourself. Actually, I insist you do. Nobody should hear those negative critiques constantly, especially when they directed inward. It’s time you take that inner critic’s voice away and be nicer to yourself. You deserve it. ⚡
Continuing my 5 Dares for ’25, a series of dares I’ve designed to help you grow professionally and personally in 2025.
Let’s face it, our lives and careers naturally push us into competition mode. We are taught to validate our success by comparison. We learn to make ourselves feel better about ourselves by feeling above someone else, to prove we’re more successful and more capable.
It’s actually sad when you think about it, the fictional armor we wear to protect ourselves from feeling small, weak, or vulnerable. Without even knowing it, we walk the world hidden underneath the weight of the metal, dependent on having a perspective “above others” to feel any means of worthiness.
But here’s the thing, that armor gets heavier the longer you wear it. That armor is your ego.
Dropping the ego doesn’t mean giving up your confidence or competitiveness. It’s quite the opposite really. When your hustle isn’t rooted in your ego, you give off a difference frequency. Others can feel it, people tend to feel safer with you, and more importantly, you just tend to like yourself a whole lot more.
In 2025, I dare you to take off the armor. You don’t have to protect or perform anymore. Turns out, authenticity is the real flex, and it looks good on you. ⭐
We’ve made it to the last of my 5 Dares for ’25, and it’s time to go all in.
You know the saying, “nothing changes if you don’t change it.” Just like an object doesn’t move until something forces it forward, the same goes for you. Growth, progress, and opportunity rarely just land in your lap. More often than not, you have to find those opportunities, assess them, and decide which risks are worth taking.
Changing jobs, making a big purchase, or making a commitment, these are all pretty standard gambles. But the real tests, the ones that show you what you are made of, are the ones that challenge you to step up.
If you want real growth, it takes a bigger gamble. It requires pushing your chips forward and betting on yourself. It means trusting your gut when the outcome isn’t guaranteed, taking risks others might avoid, and standing firm when the odds are stacked against you. Betting on yourself isn’t just about the wins, it's about having the courage to take that risk, even when the stakes are high. Because at the end of the day, a risk is just another word for opportunity. And it might be the nudge you need to step out of your comfort zone and make a real impact.
So, my final dare to you is simple: bet on yourself. Whether it is taking me up on one of my 5 Dares or making an even bigger leap, remember, the biggest wins often come from the bravest moves. Go ahead, it’s your turn. 🫵