In terms of Sesame Street, I always thought I was more a Grover. Who knew I was both Bert and Ernie all along.
Throughout my career in design, I've always been the Ernie, the creative goofball using my imagination to spark my ability to come up with fun ideas and to bring cool designs to life. That came in the form of titles like Creative Director, Art Director, Designer.
But something I didn’t highlight as much was just how much of a Bert I am too, meticulous, organized, keeping teams and projects tidy, in order, and on time. That’s when I’ve been referred to as also a Creative Operations Director or Creative Services Manager.
Recently someone pointed out to me just how unique this duality is, the ability to offer both sides, the type-A and type-B, at full gusto, all in one. I was called an “enigma”. (Thank you Catherine.)
I was surprised and humbled by the compliment, I suppose I thought that this should be the baseline for any creative. But it isn’t. So my mind immediately went into, how do I market myself in this way? How do I make this more of a priority in my narrative and highlight this double-sided offering? I find an analogy, of course.
Left brain/Right brain? I know another awesome creative leader who is already doing that. (Kudos Chris.) Peanut butter and jelly, fire and ice, two sides of a coin? Those were not quite right. I knew I had to use something with as much personality as I bring with me, and what better example of this than our old friends who are polar opposites but together just so very right, Bert and Ernie.
My Ernie side: The creative thinker, the creator.
My Bet side: The analytical organizer, the planner.
Sure, my career has always been Ernie, but the Bert is just as much a part of what I do, orchestrating projects and teams so they run like butter.
So here’s my pitch, sure, Bert and Ernie are great individually, but together they are magic. That’s what you get with me. ✨
Remember, it’s a tough market out there. Find what makes you unique, whether it's your creativity, your precision, or in my case, both, and don’t shy away from being silly with how you explain this out to the world. We have to stand out from the crowd one way or another, right?
Now if only I can find my rubber ducky…